Freezing Rain Causing Property Damage in Earlysville?
3/7/2023 (Permalink)
Winter weather in Earlysville can range from rain to snow to sleet, or a combination of all. Our local team in Charlottesville responds to storm damage emergencies every winter and offers this helpful information from the National Weather Service about winter weather warnings:
The National Weather Service issues winter weather-related warnings, watches, and advisories through your local National Weather Service office. Each office knows the local area and issues Warnings, Watches, or Advisories based on local weather criteria.
Warnings: Take Action!
Watches: B e Prepared
Advisories: Be Aware
Some additional terms used are:
Freezing Rain: Rain that freezes when it hits the ground; creating a coating of ice on roads, trees, and power lines.
Sleet: Rain that turns to ice pellets before reaching the ground. Sleet also causes moisture on roads to freeze and become slippery.
Wind Chill: A measure of how cold people feel due to the combined effect of wind and cold temperatures. The Wind Chill Index is based on the rate of heat loss from exposed skin. Both cold temperatures and wind remove heat from the body: as the wind speed increases during cold conditions, a body loses heat more quickly. Eventually, the internal body temperature also falls and hypothermia can develop.
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When you have a storm damage emergency in your Earlysville home or commercial business, our team in Charlottesville is Here to Help.® Call us today at 434-977-5850.
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